I accidentally came across the fabric above for sale on etsy. It’s listed as an RJR Fabric by designer Yuko Hasegawa. Here is Yuko’s profile on the RJR website (you can see the pattern by clicking the coming soon link on the right) Very talented designer right? Long impressive list of credits in illustration and design…
Well below is my pattern from April 2009. It was first featured on my blog here and later in the first Print and Pattern book where, no doubt, Ms Hasegawa has seen it.

I have been in the textile and patterns business long enough to know that theft happens all the time and Ms Hasegawa did take the time to redraw everything slightly differently and to add a bear or two, she might have even changed it just enough that I don’t have a legal case against her but what is really upsetting to me is that she gets a designer credit for it. She didn’t design it, I did.
It took me a long time and I’m really proud of it! The fact that she and her company are profiting from it, both financially and as a portfolio piece is infuriating!
You call yourself an artist Yuko Hasegawa? Please act like one and make your own art.

more of “Yuko’s line” on the RJR Fabrics website all based on my design